If you are experiencing sharp pain in your breast implants, you may be wondering if you should be worried. The answer to that question is: it depends. There are a number of things that could be causing the pain, and some of them are more serious than others. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of sharp pain in breast implants and what you can do about it.
- Breast augmentation
- Pain and discomfort after breast implant surgery
- What could be the cause of sharp pain in breast implants?
- When should you see a doctor about breast implant pain?
- Treatment options for sharp breast implant pain
- How to prevent sharp pain in breast implants in the future
Breast augmentation
Breast implant surgery, or breast augmentation, is a medical technique that enhances the size, shape, and contour of the breasts. It can be performed as a pure aesthetic transformation or as part of reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. Either scenario has a definite goal in mind: to bring back one’s confidence and sense of self.
The two primary types of implants are silicone breast implants, which are pre-filled with silicone gel and feel and appear more like human breast tissue, and saline breast implants, which are filled with saline during surgery.
Pain and discomfort after breast implant surgery
Following breast augmentation surgery, pain and discomfort are typical. Breast augmentation recovery normally takes a little more than a month. You may feel fatigued and sore, and you may get bruises during this period. These symptoms, however, will disappear with time.
Sharp, shooting pains and other breast discomforts are also frequent after surgery. The good news is that you can control the majority of your discomfort with the medicine prescribed by your board-certified plastic surgeon.
The problem is, what if the sharp pain is a sign of complication?
What could be the cause of sharp pain in breast implants?
There are a few potential causes of sharp pain in this type of plastic surgery procedure. If you experience sharp pain in your breast implants, it’s important to see a doctor and determine the cause and get the appropriate treatment. Here are some of the main reasons why you need to think twice about the general breast implant pain you may be feeling.
1. Capsular contracture
Capsular contracture is a common problem with breast implants. It occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant, causing it to become hard and round. This can cause sharp pain, as well as other symptoms like breast tissue tightening, swelling, and bruising. Capsular contracture is most often treated with surgery, but in some cases, it can be treated with pain medication or radiation therapy.
2. Rupture and deflation
If an implant ruptures, saline or silicone filling can leak out. If this happens, you would notice that your enhanced breast loses its shape and may feel softer than before. The result will depend on what type of breast implant you may have.
Saline implants can deflate right away or over a few days, like a balloon losing air, according to the FDA. Your body absorbs the liquid and it’s harmless unless the implant contains fungus or bacteria, which can cause infection. This can cause sharp pain, swelling, and bruising. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor right away.
Implant rupture from silicone implants aren’t always as obvious, but signs may include hard knots or lumps around the implant or in the armpit, a change in size or shape, pain, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning or hardening of the breast. It can often be detected on a mammogram or ultrasound.
3. Infection
Infection is another potential cause of sharp pain during the healing process of your breast augmentation surgery. It’s not common, but some women end up with a serious infection within a few weeks of breast implant surgery. Implants – like most foreign objects – attract bacteria. Because the devices lack their own blood supply, they can’t fight infection. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have an infection:
– redness
– swelling
– warmth
– pain
– drainage from the incision site
If you believe you may have an infection, contact your doctor right away for treatment.
4. Cancer
Have you heard of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma or BIA-ALCL? While it’s rare, this type of cancer (affecting the lymph nodes around the breasts, not the breast itself) is a potential cause of sharp pain in breast implants. If you experience any of the following symptoms, see your doctor right away:
– a lump or mass in the breast
– continuous swelling or enlargement of the breast
– skin irritation or dimpling
– nipple discharge other than breast milk
– inverted nipple
– scaling or thickening of the nipple or areola
5. Atypical chest pain syndrome
A research study before concluded that silicone breast implants may cause an atypical chest pain syndrome. This condition is characterized as a “pressing” type of pain or a “stabbing” pain with radiation to the shoulders, left arm, and jaw. In the study, all eleven participants complained of episodes of severe chest pain similar to heart attacks 6 weeks to 7 years after breast implantation. With normal ECG and other cardiac evaluations, it was found out that the pain centered mainly towards silicone implants, ruptured or not, causing local inflammatory reactions and neuroma formation.
6. Implants get old
Implants do not last forever. Over time, they may start to cause pain. This is because the implants lose their shape and stability over time, and the surrounding tissue can become inflamed. If you are experiencing sharp pain in your breast implants, you may need to have them removed or replaced. Talk to your doctor about your options.
When should you see a doctor about breast implant pain?
The sooner you get medical help, the sooner you can get the appropriate treatment. Some of the potential causes of sharp pain in breast implants, like implant displacement or rupture, require prompt medical attention. Other causes, like infection, may not be as serious but still require treatment.
However, you need to seek immediate medical attention if you experience sharp breast pain alongside one or more of the following:
- feelings of pressure, fullness, or squeezing in the chest that may come and go
- pain that radiates from the chest to the arms, back, jaw, neck, or shoulders
- unexplained nausea or sweating
- shortness of breath
- sudden confusion
- loss of consciousness
These could be symptoms of a serious condition, such as a heart attack, stroke, or blood clot in the lung.
If you’re not sure what to do, talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional.
Treatment options for sharp breast implant pain
There are a few possible treatments for sharp pain in breast implants. One is surgical removal and replacement of the implant. Another is to adjust the implant’s position. If the implant has ruptured, it may need to be replaced. If the cause of the pain is an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If the pain is due to changes in nipple sensation, there is no treatment available. In some cases, the pain will go away on its own over time.
How to prevent sharp pain in breast implants in the future
There are a few things you can do to prevent sharp pain in breast implants in the future. One is to make sure you go for regular check-ups with your doctor. This will help ensure that your implants are in good condition and that there are no problems. You should also avoid doing any strenuous activities that could put a strain on the implants. If you experience sharp pain, don’t hesitate to seek medical help.
We hope this article was helpful in informing you about the possible causes of sharp pain in breast implants. If you are experiencing any type of pain, please consult with your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and find relief. Please feel free to leave us any comments or questions below and we will do our best to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!